Wednesday, August 25, 2010


So I am sure that we have a urine build up problem. The baby has been doing so well with the goodmama diaper for night time. Leaks are a thing of the past (for now (-; ) but in the morning when we have our first diaper change the amonia smell lurking from her bottom is horrible. I feel so bad for her.

So we are working to knock this out. Our first attempt was yesterday. My plan: a vinager rinse, hot wash cycle with soap, then 3 more hot cycles. Then into the dryer. When I took them out of the dryer I did the nose to diaper deep inhale test and I did not smell a thing. The real test will be tomorrow morning when we take off her overnight diapers.

I just can't believe that when I was at target today I almost bought some disposes for night but I held out.